From Lijsbet's Desk

Medieval plans, progress, and philosophy

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Location: Denver, CO

I am a married mother of two furry children and one naked one. I live in the southern suburbs of Denver, CO, and work for one of the best companies going. My job takes me away from home as much as 75% of the time, so I try to cram as much creativity into the remainder as I can.


Another plan for the kingpole

For the large round pavilion (what we've called the NorthStar) Chris suggests that we might use two 4x4s, with a steel pole sunk deeply into one end of both of them, to create a joint. This would have the advantage of reducing the overall length and weight of individual parts.

Would this reduce the integrity of the kingpole? Can we drill a 1" or 1.25" hole deep and straight enough into a 4x4 to make this viable?


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