From Lijsbet's Desk

Medieval plans, progress, and philosophy

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Location: Denver, CO

I am a married mother of two furry children and one naked one. I live in the southern suburbs of Denver, CO, and work for one of the best companies going. My job takes me away from home as much as 75% of the time, so I try to cram as much creativity into the remainder as I can.


Ok, maybe it's not all bad

Went to the baronial polling tonight. I was gratified at the warm reception that we received, especially considering our low level of participation lately. There were lots of hugs, and we did some very real business.

Just when I feel I have had no impact, Rivka tells me that she'd gotten loads of compliments on her dress tonight - one that I'd made.

Talking to Robert on the way home, I realized that I still know how to motivate, but I don't know how to motivate myself.


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