From Lijsbet's Desk

Medieval plans, progress, and philosophy

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Location: Denver, CO

I am a married mother of two furry children and one naked one. I live in the southern suburbs of Denver, CO, and work for one of the best companies going. My job takes me away from home as much as 75% of the time, so I try to cram as much creativity into the remainder as I can.


Three Stags - Monday

Monday. Warm, sunny and busy.

I arose at 7:00; the sunshine in the tent was too bright, and with the help of Benedryl, I'd finally got a good night's sleep. I did however have the beginnings of what is so far a day-and-a-half migraine. I dressed quietly, leaving Evan asleep in bed, and started to heat water for dishes. I was unable to beat Sancha to the dishes, and she picked up their dirties before I had a chance to do the right thing with them.

After Evan and Savina arose, we made breakfast, me with a mug of tea, Savina with her coffee, and Evan with his hot chocolate. At least each was in a period container. We began the organizing and packing. It was pretty leisurely until we noticed that Aegis was flat. Fearing that they'd be away before we could be ready to drop the tents, we rushed to empty them and summoned help from our friends. I was amazed at the kindness with which they agreed to help; I really must cook for them again.

With the heavy labor done, and Aegis thanked, we again returned to the rather leisurely organization of camp accoutrement. The task was made somewhat more difficult for me by my period shoes. The soles have very little traction; I was sliding everywhere. It was almost like walking in sand. I considered changing into civvies, but I would have been more uncomfortable in black jeans at 6000 feet than my wool kirtle, and so I persisted. Between the headache and the shoes, I wasn't moving very fast.

We had the pleasant diversion of Sancha and Domingo a couple times during the day; their visits gave us the excuse to sit and rest a bit. Evan of course played with Tristan for most of the morning, and so was out of the way. After Savina brought up her minivan, he pretty much sat inside, playing the LMax. Happy as a clam, Savina said.

We left the kitchen fly for the last, since it was our most reliable and complete shade. My goal was to get everything into our minivan other than Evan. On the ride down, we'd shoved blankets and sleeping bags into Savina's van, in addition to Evan. The bed had ridden in a canvas bag atop the minivan. This time I got everything inside the minivan, other than the tent poles. Of course, one chest, a duffel and a bag of laundry came home with Robert the night before, and so perhaps it wasn't the victory I counted it to be. But it felt good at the time.

We managed to get out of Elizabeth at about 2:10 on Monday. It was a good event.


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