From Lijsbet's Desk

Medieval plans, progress, and philosophy

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Location: Denver, CO

I am a married mother of two furry children and one naked one. I live in the southern suburbs of Denver, CO, and work for one of the best companies going. My job takes me away from home as much as 75% of the time, so I try to cram as much creativity into the remainder as I can.



I've been doing heraldry for some time, mostly heraldic display. While I was Kingdom Scribe, Timothy who was then White Stag, made me a pursuivant. I've done a lot of banner work, but other than that, I haven't really done much with it. I feel the need to do more; it'd sure be nice to be a Herald one day!

This didn't just happen - I've been somewhat chargrined by the service that I've had in recent submissions. In short, the Companie badge was originally changed without my authorization and subsequently lost. Consequently I have to re-submit my re-submission, a process complicated by missing old forms, and the requirement for new forms. In the middle of filling out the new form, i got to thinking. "Gee, I could learn commenting. I've always wanted to learn. And I can do it from anywhere."

I have been thinking about ways that I can continue to serve the Society with my work being as it is. And this seems a likely candidate. So I spoke to Conrad last night, and he's on-board with it. This seems like a cool thing!


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