From Lijsbet's Desk

Medieval plans, progress, and philosophy

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Location: Denver, CO

I am a married mother of two furry children and one naked one. I live in the southern suburbs of Denver, CO, and work for one of the best companies going. My job takes me away from home as much as 75% of the time, so I try to cram as much creativity into the remainder as I can.



Since they were half-price, I indulged in an indulgence in which I've been hoping to indulge for awhile; I bought two-dozen saffron crocus bulbs.

Now, saffron crocus are fall-blooming, and I guess these guys had made their best "go" at it. A couple of the corms had actually put out blossoms inside the paper bags, and so we got a sneak-taste of the flavor. Understanding that the blossoms had not the benefit of soil or sunshine, the stigmas were a bit subtle in intensity, but the distinctive flavor came through nonetheless.

I'm planning on locating them in the period herb garden. The beautiful days this week might make it easy to get them in the ground before Thanksgiving.


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